Working with Faux Pumpkins #FauxPumpkins #Funkins

I have grown my own pumpkins for years. Every Halloween season the family has our annual pumpkin carving night. The guys get really competitive. I watch them have fun and usually carve something simple.

I hate putting too much effort into creating something amazing because it will just rot and turn into mush.

Then came the faux carvable pumpkin. What a creation!!! Now I can get really creative with pumpkins and not worrying about the rotting on my front porch. I can keep them and use them to decorate every year!!!

Since this amazing discovery I have tried out a wide variety of faux pumpkins on the market.

There are many types of artificial pumpkins. Some claim to be carvable, these are usually listed as carvable craft pumpkins.

They range from super cheap like $1.00 ones at Dollar Tree to mid-range ones at Michael’s and JoAnn’s to the most expensive, and in my opinion, the best ones on the market for carving-  Fun-kins.

Small Pumpkin from Amazon
I’ve tried just about all of them.

The mini pumpkins I purchased on Amazon were created to be used as is for decorating. They are foam inside with shiny plastic outer shell. Not suitable for carving at all but they work well enough for painting and adding fun things to the outside.

Dollar Tree Pumpkin

I was surprised that the foam pumpkins from Dollar Tree are hollow inside so you can technically carve them, though they are made up of foam balls so quite messy to cut and you won’t get even smooth cuts. If you want to paint them use acrylics because they do not have a plastic shell, just foam so many oil based paints could cause the foam to melt.

Small Ashland Pumpkin from Michaels

The Ashland craft pumpkins from Michaels are nice. They come in a variety of colors and sizes so if you can find black or white or another fun color you won’t have to paint them. You can use them for a variety of multi-media crafts or carving. Carving one of these isn't quite as easy as carving a Fun-kin but if you have the right tools you can do it.

JoAnn's Fun-Kin

JoAnn did carry a few varieties of Fun-Kins unique to the store. Great quality, great for carving.

Fun-kins from

By far the absolute best artificial pumpkins for carving are available on

Fun-kins look and feel like real pumpkins- they even carve like real pumpkins, without the squishy pumpkin guts inside. Fun-kins are available in multiple sizes. They have several white varieties and one black style.

Fun-kins can be carved with regular pumpkin carving tools, serrated blades or you can get crafty with power tools.

For pumpkin ideas and designs check out my book Pumpkins and Party Themes to be released in August 2020. 

Bring your Halloween party theme to life with these quick tips and tricks!

Pumpkins and Party Themes features ten unique party themes with five do-it-yourself pumpkin designs for each theme. The pumpkin projects have a variety of decorating ideas that include carving, painting, and mixed media craftiness and easy-to-follow steps on each creation. Author Roxanne Rhoads also includes quick ideas on how to bring the theme to life through décor, costumes, and activities. These fun party themes range from gothic elegance to Edgar Allan Poe, under the sea, let's get literary, and more!

With beautiful full-color images to illustrate the tools needed, steps to follow, and final products, this book makes for the perfect gift for Halloween enthusiasts and party hosts alike!

Pre-Order on Amazon

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