Playlist- The Storm Breaks by Valerie Storm

The Storm Breaks
Demon Storm 
Book Six
Valerie Storm

Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Publisher: Shadow Spark Publishing
Date of Publication: 7/13/2024
ISBN: 978-1-956883-22-0
Number of pages: 416
Word Count: 102,166 
Cover Artist: @Ginkahederling

Tagline:  Cast into the hands of enemies old and new, Kari is losing her grip. Will she fall?

Book Description: 

Wolf and demon born…under storm the land is torn.

Tendrils of darkness reach from the depths of her mind and shadows flicker around every corner. Still reeling from Raven’s horrific display of power, Kari suffers in silence.

When Guine finally returns with stories of a mirror that could help him with his problems, Kari finds herself hoping that maybe, just maybe, it could help with hers as well.

With the promise of a relatively straightforward outing, Kari, Ari, and Guine set forth to find the mirror.

But what they find beyond the looking-glass threatens not only Kari and her sanity, but also the world she loves.


Suddenly a hand shot out of the wall ahead of her, giving her no time to react or slow her pace as it grabbed her shoulder. Kari pulled at the fingers, tugging at their grasp, trying to hurry. She had to escape the damn water!

            Lightning sparked along her claws. She raised her hand to attack again, intending to cut the fingers right off of her.

A familiar voice growled, “Do it and we’re dead.”

            Kari froze long enough for the hand to pull her straight into the wall. She stumbled through and fell face-first on something hard and cool.

Groaning, she rolled onto her back and looked up into the sweat-dotted, strained, and frowning face of Guine. Above him hung a ceiling of some kind of jagged, translucent, blue rock.

            “Why did you stop?” he demanded rather angrily. “I said we had to keep moving, didn’t I?”

            For a moment Kari thought she was still waiting for the water to overtake her. That filthy, disgusting-smelling, murky water. Slowly she realized they had changed locations again; now they were in some sort of cavern. Completely dry and relatively safe, at least for the moment.

Kari jumped up and bared her teeth at Guine. “You didn’t say if I stopped that would happen!”

“Why would I say, ‘don’t stop’ if that wasn’t a vitally important thing to do?!”

“You’re often unclear and exaggerate!” she snapped back.

            They glared at each other for a long time. He was mad, but she was madder. He had not been very upfront with her about this wretched maze, and that enraged her. She did not need the Catalyst to fuel her anger; her heart thrummed against her ribs, taking all of her breath with it, and it had not stopped since that first room.

            The danger here was real, and yet intangible. She had faced so many people who wanted her dead, or worse. But this place would kill her at the slightest mistake.

            Finally, Guine sighed, his face relaxing into exhaustion. He turned away from her.

            “It doesn’t matter now. It’s done. But now…now we face a problem.”

            The walls were just like the ceiling, seemingly made of something crystalline. Ahead of her, she could see an opening in the circular room.

            “What problem? Besides being in this yutemi you’ve created, that is.”

            Guine chose to ignore her snappy tone. “We got off-track. Things will change now. I can find the way since I did make this as an option, but now it will take us longer.”

            Kari’s gaze slowly trailed back to him. He’d said…what? Two or three days? Without food.

            Now it would take longer?

            “Just how much longer are you talking about, Guine?” Kari hissed.

            He shrugged, not quite nonchalant, but rather resigned. “Maybe tack on a week. At the very least.”

            Kari’s mouth dried. Already her stomach rumbled; now that the adrenaline had passed through her system, she was hungry. She wasn’t stupid. She knew her body would be capable of going quite a long time without sustenance, but that long? And what of their water supply?

            She felt for the bag, but her fingers were too numb to reach inside for the waterskin. The cavern suddenly seemed very small.


            “Thirst will not be a real issue,” Guine said as if he had read her mind. “When I designed this way, I made a room for myself so that I could survive if I slipped up. There will be a room ahead that provides fresh, drinkable water. Hopefully, we can store enough to last us the rest of the time if we ration it.”

            “And what about food?”

            He hesitated. “The room…also has a solution for that. For humans. There’s no way we could know it would work for you, or at the very least not kill you.”

            Kari stared past him. The only exit out of the cavern they were in was a single tunnel that turned sharply into darkness.

            “I will not die in here, Guine.”

            “I don’t intend for you to,” he said wearily. “But if things were serious at all to you before, it’s worse now.” He walked to one of the walls and sat down. “We should rest before we go on. Exhaustion and stress make the mind do stupid things.”

            Kari didn’t move. She thought of a time long ago when she had left behind Snow Shade. Then she had perhaps gone a day or so without a real meal. It was like torture to her, weakening her body and senses until she had come across something to eat.

            She could have adjusted to the idea of three days with no food. But more than a week?

About the Author: 

Valerie Storm was raised in Tucson, Arizona. Growing up, she fell in love with everything fantasy. When she wasn’t playing video games, she was writing. By age ten, she began to write her own stories as a way to escape reality. When these stories became a full-length series, she considered the path to sharing with other children & children-at/heart looking for a place to call home.

Interactive Map of the Haunted Hotels of Michigan

I created this map while researching my upcoming book Haunted Hotels of Michigan.

Not every hotel on the map made it into the book. 

Some were closed, some just didn't have the history or enough of a ghost story to include.

Flash Fiction- Ruins of Beauty by LS Delorme #FlashFiction #HalloweenShortStory

This possession was turning out to be an unqualified disaster.

Aria was now lying on a gurney in a dimly lit grey hallway with fluorescent lights that flickered, buzzed, and crackled. She was naked except for a thin paper blanket on top of her. She was also stuck in a flesh coffin. To make things worse, a woman in one of the rooms wouldn’t stop screaming.

This scene around her should have been playing out in some backwoods hospital or abandoned insane asylum, where her body would belong to someone about to be lobotomized. Instead, her host was actually a beautiful 40-year-old model who was a patient at the posh and luxurious American Hospital of Paris, there for elective cosmetic surgery. This had been what she was expecting, to inhabit a body where the consciousness was subdued. Instead, she was momentarily stuck in a body where the resident soul had decided to take a little break, and so Aria couldn’t get out. If it didn’t return fast enough, she could end up having surgery while fully conscious.

The possession had started out normal enough. Aria had sheltered herself in one of the “blank” rooms at the Academy in a sensory deprivation tank. When her consciousness had left her body, it had been drawn to the target woman, and she had entered her mind. She didn’t know how they achieved this little feat. She was only a Tier 3 possessor. Aria had no idea what level one had to be in order to learn the details of how they did what they did, but she didn’t really care. She was happy working in her unit, where she was assigned to “catalytic” possessions in order to “tip” certain marked individuals. They would then influence the mark in the way that the Academy directed. In return for providing this service, the Academy gave her everything she needed and almost anything she wanted. The cost of her beauty products alone probably ran into the thousands per month.

But for this assignment, Aria had awakened to find herself in an anesthetized body. This wasn’t strictly the problem. She had possessed people who were sleeping before, as well as those who had been drugged. In fact, drugs were often used to help initiate a possession. But in all these previous possessions, the residual soul was still present, and Aria used the resources of this soul to move the body around, just as she would move her own body around. But this time it was different. She could see, feel, and hear, but that was it. For the moment, she had no actual control over her vehicle. This was particularly problematic because one of her special talents was using her voice and the grace of her movements to influence others.

The volume of screaming increased as a door down the hall was opened, and a man stepped out. He was dressed in green scrubs, a surgical gown, and a bouffant-style white gauze cap. A light blue mask covered his mouth and nose. Aria’s head was angled to the side, so she couldn’t see his shoes, but they squeaked as he walked. He was wearing glasses that reflected the dim light around them, giving off an unnatural golden rose glow.

“Ah, they were right, you are beautiful,” he said as he came to stand next to her, a smile in his deep baritone voice.

Despite her circumstances, Aria felt a flush of pleasure. She couldn’t speak or move, but at least her host seemed to be beautiful, and beauty was power. Even if she didn’t have her voice, maybe her beauty would be enough to protect her from whatever was happening.

Aria was intimately aware of the influence of beauty. She herself had been a beautiful actress before the Academy recruited her. Her golden eyes and auburn hair had enchanted many men in power. It had driven a few over the edge. Her beauty had been her calling card, and she had protected it. She had even had abortions during her acting years so that she could keep her figure. If she was in her own body, she knew she could easily control this man. She would have to pray that the beauty of her host would be enough to do the same thing. She might even be able to project her own beauty through her eyes, even if she couldn’t really move them much.

“And you do look a bit like Isabella Adjani,” he said, cocking his head to the side. His voice was breathy, and his tone had softened and changed.

Being as beautiful as she was in life, she was used to being hit on, chased, and even stalked. So she recognized the tone of the man’s voice. It was a mixture of lust, love, anger, longing, and resentment. It was a dangerous mixture, but also very useful if manipulated correctly.

The actual words of his statement took a second more to register, but once they did, Aria felt a flash of irritation at the owner of her host body. She had been sent into this woman just because the woman looked a bit like Isabella Adjani. Her mark, the person that she was supposed to “tip,” had been a “fan” of Adjani but in the old-school definition. Fan, as in fanatic. He had been obsessive to the point of planning to kidnap her. This wasn’t well known, but the Academy was stellar at data collection of all kinds. What also wasn’t well known was that the mark was now a surgeon here at AHP. She had a feeling that she might have just met him, and, for the moment, she couldn’t really capitalize on it. This meant that her assignment was likely to go on longer than it needed to, and when she came back to her body, she would need days to get her skin back to being properly moisturized.

“Having trouble speaking, love? That must be very frustrating for you,” he said to her as he reached out and touched her face. This was neither normal doctor behavior nor normal mark behavior.

“Let’s just get you rolled on into the operating theatre,” he continued, moving behind her and moving the gurney forward. As he did so, he reached out again and ran his hand down her neck toward her breasts, but he stopped before reaching them.

“No, it wouldn’t be right to do something inappropriate, would it?” he whispered in a tone that suggested otherwise. Then he laughed and used the gurney to push through the swinging doors of the room nearest to her.

Bright lights hit her eyes as she was rolled into the operating theatre. From where she was lying, she could see another gurney on the other side of the room. A naked old woman was on it, rigid and unmoving, with one hand hanging above her as if clawing at the air.

“She was beautiful once, too,” said a woman’s voice. The voice came from behind her, so she couldn’t see her, but her voice was soft and sultry. It was a warm water voice but with a lilting quality that came across as almost fairy-like.

“But beauty fades if it exists only for selfish purposes, don’t you think?” the voice asked. “Oh wait, you can’t speak, can you? Well, I can give you that at least.”

The woman who walked around the gurney to face her was the most beautiful woman that Aria had ever seen. She had pale skin. It was so pale that she finally understood the word “porcelain” as it pertained to skin. Even though it was pale and translucent, it was infused with a rosy glow. Her eyes were cornflower blue, and her hair was a shade of red that was almost pink. To top all this off, she was wearing a pink negligee that left little to the imagination, and what was visible was close to perfect.

“I do hate having a one-sided conversation,” the woman said as she reached out and put her hand on Aria’s throat. Immediately, Aria felt her throat open.

“Thank you so much,” she said to the woman, putting as much energy into her tone as she could. The woman just laughed.

“That won’t work on me, lamb,” she said. “But let me introduce myself. My name is Rose, and I work for the Academy.”

Aria felt a wave of relief pass over her.

“Oh, thank God,” she said. “I work for the Academy too.”

“I know,” Rose said. “That’s why you’re here. This was a test.”

“What sort of test?” Aria asked, feeling the knot in her stomach return.

Rather than answer her question, the woman stood up and walked over to the wall. This was the first time that Aria noticed that the room was missing all the things that one associates with surgery rooms. There were no trays, no bright lights mounted on rollers, no blankets or straps on the gurneys. There was only a wall covered with screens, another wall of what looked like stacked cabinets, and the rigid old woman.

“We suddenly have a need for agents who can not only possess but hold on to even the barest filaments of a soul’s consciousness,” Rose said. “The less of the soul that needs to be kept, the better. If there isn’t a slight remnant of the remaining consciousness still in the body, then the body will immediately begin to degrade. Depending on the age of the spirit possessing it, that degradation can be extremely rapid and painful to experience.”

She then nodded toward the old woman.

“You weren’t able to hold what remained of this woman’s consciousness for more than a couple of seconds,” Rose said. “So that means that you are useless in terms of the long-term possessions we will need in the upcoming years.”

“What does that mean?” Aria asked.

“It means we are retiring you,” Rose replied.

Aria’s heart began to hammer in her chest. Retirement from the Academy meant death. Her thoughts must have been transparent because Rose laughed. Her laughter sounded like the tinkling of wind chimes.

“Oh pumpkin, you think we are going to kill you?” Rose asked, moving toward the body of the old woman. “But we aren’t. We have a different plan for you.”

Rose pushed the gurney with the old woman’s body on it toward the wall of cabinets.

“You failed the test,” Rose said.

“So you are punishing me?” Aria asked.

“Punishing?” Rose said. “No, lamb, we aren’t punishing you. You aren’t interesting enough to punish. You are just a failure. We will try again with another.”

“What will happen to me?” Aria asked.

“Nothing,” Rose replied as she pulled open one of the cabinets, and cold air escaped. It was then that Aria realized that these things were not cabinets but mortuary freezers. Rose nodded to the doctor, who slid the old woman’s body from the gurney to the freezer and shut the door.

As the door shut, Aria understood, and her heart began to beat wildly in her chest.

“No, please,” she said. “You don’t have to do this. You are so beautiful, and I’m sure you are just as kind…”

“When has beauty had anything to do with kindness?” Rose snapped. “The most beautiful creature alive is a mother and an infant. You are a mother who killed her infants, and for nothing more than vanity.”

As she uttered these last words, Rose’s face was infused with such venom, such hatred, that Aria wished she could look away. She felt as if she would be burned alive by that gaze, but then Rose smiled and laughed her tinkling laugh.

“So yes, precious, I do have to do this,” Rose said. “The only way you can help us now is to provide us data on how long your body will stay alive with you in it. Your existence will culminate in being a sweet little data point for us.”

“No, no, please, no,” Aria pleaded, but the doctor had started pushing her gurney toward the now open door of a freezer cabinet.

“Such a shame to have to waste this body; it really does look like Isabella,” the doctor said with a sigh.

“Don’t worry, we’ll find you another,” Rose purred at him.

“I can help, I can still help. I’ve done a lot for the Academy,” Aria pleaded, but the doctor was picking her up and placing her on a cold metal slab.

“Don’t worry, precious, you will help, in your way,” Rose said. “But you need to be quiet now, so that you don’t disturb your neighbors.”

“Plea…” Aria began, but Rose placed a finger on Aria’s throat and her voice was silenced.

And with that, she closed Aria into the dark… where beauty means nothing.

Bright Midnights
The Limerent Series 
Book Two
LS Delorme

Genre: Paranormal Romance, YA, Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Limerent Publishing
Date of Publication:  Oct 2023
Number of pages: 301
Word Count: 119000
Cover Artist: Brittany Wilson

Tagline: "In a world where viruses possess and dreams unlock new realms, a young girl must navigate love, danger, and her own dark powers to survive."

Book Description:

Most high school students find life challenging, but 17-year old Amelie has a lot more to contend with than typical teenage angst. Ever since she turned 11, others have been irresistibly, almost chemically, drawn to her-with tragic consequences. Her only escape is at night when she flies to different times and places through her "dreams". Her life begins to change when, on one of her flights, she meets Clovis, an alluring and mysterious young man who hides a secret.

As Amelie finds herself increasingly drawn to him, she learns his story, how it intertwines with her own and finally discovers how to live her life in the real world. Until her own secrets are revealed to the wrong people and that world turns upside down.


 “Everyone, could you pass your weekly journals forward,” Ms. Pryll announced. “And I think, perhaps, today I will pick a few of you to read your entries to the rest of the class. Ms. McCormick, you always have such interesting entries. How about we begin with you?”

Ms. Pryll motioned her forward. Ah, her eye rolling had been noticed. Amelie really wasn’t off to a good start today. On top of her intestinal grumbling, she was feeling the beginnings of a tension headache creeping up the back of her neck.

Just as she was standing up to assume the position at the front of the classroom, someone stumbled through the door. It was Hudson. He was slumping, holding on to the doorframe. Hudson wouldn’t be drawing attention to himself in normal circumstances. Something was wrong. Ms. Pryll was finally pulled from her flirting by the fact that the rest of the class was staring at the doorway. As they watched, Hudson slid down the doorframe into a huddled position.

“Now Mr. Crowe, please come in and sit down,” said Ms. Pryll, with exasperation.
Hudson managed to hold up a small blue object, before slumping forward.

“Dude’s been drinking?” Ryan laughed from the back.

Hudson tried one more time to raise his head and lift the thing in his hands. Everyone in the class just stared at him. The front of Amelie’s forehead suddenly exploded with images, and the lighted words from the cereal box this morning made sense.

Low. Sugar. Bad.

“He’s not drunk,” Amelie snapped. “That’s a glucose meter. He’s diabetic.”

Amelie dropped her notebook and ran to the door, falling to her knees beside Hudson. She had a vague notion that this hurt and she would be bruised later, before she grabbed Hudson’s head. She didn’t know if people in insulin shock had seizures or not, but that didn’t matter. She knew what to do. She had been told by something more reliable than memory. Low blood sugar was bad.

 What to do? Okay, Elodie had her phone. What else? Jack, he always ate breakfast at his desk. Today it was a bottle of orange juice. Thank god.

“Elodie, call 911—now! Jack, throw me your OJ,” Amelie snapped.

Jack just smirked at her, completely disengaged in the fact that another human being was in crisis. A wave of fury replaced the images in Amelie’s head, making everything around her look shiny, sharp, and red. The world began to move in slow motion. She turned, her eyes met Jack’s, and she let her well-constructed shields drop … just… drop. The energy that flowed out of her felt glorious.

“Jack, throw me your OJ, now,” she said, softly this time. She saw the shocked look on Jack’s face, but he immediately grabbed the OJ and tossed it to her. The chemical wave that seemed to be her birthright rolled over him, through him, past him and across the class … person by person, face by face.

About the Author: 

Lexy is the Author of the Limerent novel universe.  The first two books in this universe were Caio and Bright Midnights. They are two of the three foundation books of the Limerent Series, and as such can be read in any order. 

Bright Midnights was picked as an Editor’s Choice by Booklife and received a Golden Wizard award in the UK in the category of YA.  

Lexy has also been a travel writer and author of The Unofficial Guide to Disneyland Hong Kong and An Expat Mom’s Unofficial Guide to Disneyland Paris. She is an ex rock musician, ex science grad, recovering attorney and now an expat writer.  Her love of writing stems from an eclectic life.  As a navy brat, she grew up in various states across the U.S. until her father retired to North Carolina when she was a teenager.   

As an adult, she has continued this tumbleweed life, having since lived in 3 countries, 9 US States, and 21 cities around the world. But, through all this change, her love of writing has been the one constant. Writing the Limerent Series allows her to use her unusual past to help create new worlds.  

Lexy now lives in Paris with her husband and two very cool sons.  
“Writing fiction gives you a place where you can put all the attractions that you probably shouldn’t feel, all the thoughts you are afraid of saying out loud, and all the rage that you can’t vent because you would kill people.  While we live, these moments stay with us, but when we die, they die too. When you put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, you put these things out there in the world where they can be read by others.  This means that they have a life outside of you and outside of your own head, and that’s something that is really compelling to me. I like the idea that these amazing moments that I’ve had in life don’t disappear when I disappear.”  - LS Delorme 
“For me, writing is like therapy…just cheaper.  As most writers are not really individuals but a collection of individuals trying to find a way to live together in one brain, fiction allows them to make a home for all these people who live rent free inside their heads.  It’s also place that you can capture unique moments in life that impact you or that make you feel deeply.”  - LS Delorme  

Release Day Blitz Realm of Dreams and Destiny by Stella Dale


Hello, dear readers!

Stella Dale here, your romantic fantasy author from the heart of the South. Today, I’m stepping away from my enchanting tales of love and magic to share a spine-tingling experience I had during one of my travels. As someone who often has “experiences” with the paranormal, this particular encounter left a lasting impression.

I stayed in the Old New Orleans room, a beautifully suite on the second floor of the Grand Magnolia Ballroom & Suites in Pascagoula, MS. From the moment I entered, I was captivated by the intricate details and the feeling of stepping back in time. However, it wasn’t long before I realized that I wasn’t alone.

I've had my share of encounters, but this one was different. From the moment I stepped into the suite, I had an immediate gut feeling that something was off and a sense of unease settled over me. It wasn’t just a feeling of being watched; this was much more intense. I couldn’t turn my back to one side of the room without feeling like something was about to come at me from behind.

The unease escalated when I went to the sink. The ornate mirror above it, which should have reflected a quaint charm, felt like a portal to something sinister. I couldn’t bring myself to look directly into it because I had a fear that I would see something—or someone—standing behind me.

As the night progressed, the disturbances began. It started with what sounded like heavy stomping on the floor. The stomping turned into loud bangs, as if someone was kicking the furniture and slapping the walls with great force. Each sound was impossible to ignore.

At one point, I felt a strange sensation, as if a blanket of electricity had settled on top of me. It was an almost tangible energy, prickling my skin and making my hair stand on end. I lay there, paralyzed by the fear that whatever was causing these disturbances might do more than just make noise.

In the early hours of the morning, I finally managed to drift into an uneasy sleep. When I woke up, the atmosphere in the room had lightened, but the sense of wrongness lingered. I packed my things quickly, eager to leave the suite and its haunting presence behind despite having paid for a second night in advance.

If you’re a fan of the paranormal and looking for a thrill on your next trip to the Mississippi Gulf Coast, I highly recommend a stay at the Grand Magnolia Ballroom & Suites. Just be prepared for a night of restless sleep and perhaps a ghostly encounter or two. 

Stay curious, stay brave, and remember, not all stories of love and magic are found in books—some are experienced in the most unexpected places.

With chills and thrills,

Realm of Dreams and Destiny
Entwined Hearts Series 
Book One
Stella Dale

Genre: Romantic Fantasy
Publisher: War of Hearts Publishing
Date of Publication: July 22, 2024
Number of pages: 365
Word Count: 102,000+
Cover Artist: War of Hearts Publishing

Tagline: They were bound by destiny long before their hearts were entwined…

Book Description: 

They were bound by destiny long before their hearts were entwined…

Aralin's life is a complex web woven with delicate threads of secrets and destinies. Born into a world where supernatural creatures are hunted, she hides a dangerous reality.

She is not human.

As a princess and pawn in the royal games of power, she finds herself betrothed to the emperor’s son. Yet, her heart beats for another––a warrior in the emperor’s army, a commoner unaware of her true identity.

Just as her world teeters on the brink of disaster, a mysterious vigilante enters her life, his dark allure tempting her toward rebellion against the oppressive emperor. His charm is undeniable, and his cause justified. With each encounter, their fates become increasingly intertwined.

Caught between two men who awaken different desires within her, Aralin struggles with conflicting feelings of duty and desire. However, a new obstacle arises in the form of an ancient prophecy. As signs of the prophecy reveal themselves, Aralin must make a difficult decision: surrender to the expectations placed upon her by others, or fight for her own fate?


She was, in every way, an enigma––a beautiful witch who appeared from the shadows, capturing my heart and imagination. And leaving me forever changed.

The witch with chestnut hair and vibrant green eyes has been appearing to me for five years. Each visit is our shared secret, a hidden world that unfolds within the confines of the empire grounds. She meets me in the courtyard, gardens, and stable, always under the veil of secrecy.

She believes I’m a knight in the emperor’s service because it’s what I’ve allowed her to believe. Perhaps it’s the way she often finds me in training, always clad in golden armor. Or maybe it’s the way I carry myself with the discipline and bearing of a soldier.

In her eyes, I see a mixture of curiosity and innocence. It’s a wonder that the harsh realities of our worlds have not marred what we share. She speaks to me of her life, her dreams, her fears. But never once has she asked about my lineage. Never once has she voiced suspicions that I’m more than what I appear to be.

To her, I’m a knight. Not the crown prince. Not the heir to the empire. There’s a simplicity in that identity, a freedom that allows me to be someone other than the person everyone else expects me to be. With her, I’m not burdened by the weight of the crown, the expectations of an empire or the gaze of a demanding father.

Our conversations meander through topics both mundane and magical. She speaks of her world, a place of beauty and enchantment, so different from the structured life I lead. Her tales are a balm to my soul, providing a respite from the rigors of my princely duties.

Yet with each visit, a part of me aches with the guilt of deception. I long to tell her the truth and reveal who I am, but fear holds me back. I’m afraid of losing the connection and bond we share. The truth could tear us apart. I don’t know how I might cope with losing her and what we have. So I remain silent, cherishing each moment we have, living in the stolen time of our secret encounters.

In her presence, I find a peace I never knew I needed. It’s a connection that transcends the boundaries of our respective worlds. As the crown prince and future emperor, my life is filled with duty and expectation. But with her, I’m just a young man caught in the spell of a beautiful young witch.

Sometimes I wonder if she ever looks at me and sees beyond the armor and guise of a soldier. Does she ever glimpse the prince hidden beneath the golden metal? Does she sense the lineage coursing through my veins or the destiny that awaits me outside our secret meetings?
The connection we share has grown beyond mere friendship. I’ve found a confidante in her, a kindred spirit who understands me in ways that others can’t. Our conversations drift from the mundane to the profound, each word a thread in the intricate web of understanding and acceptance we’ve built.

In the quiet moments we share, I often catch myself marveling at the ease with which we interact. There’s an effortless flow in our conversations, a rhythm as natural as the ebb and flow of the tides. She listens with a depth that makes me feel heard in the truest sense, her responses thoughtful and genuine.

There’s a vulnerability in our interactions and a mutual openness that has grown. I’ve revealed hidden parts of myself I’ve kept guarded from the world, and shared fears and dreams that I’ve never voiced aloud. In return, she’s entrusted me with her own inner thoughts, her hopes and her sorrows.

The ability to be my truest self with her is liberating and poignant. In her company, I find a sense of peace and belonging that eludes me in my royal life. She’s become a sanctuary and haven where I can lay down the burdens of my title and just be me.

This witch who’s cast a spell over my heart… I like her more than I ever thought possible. And lately, I’ve grappled with a startling realization.

I might have fallen in love with her.

About the Author:

Stella Dale is a passionate storyteller who's always had a love affair with books, devouring stories from all genres since she could first hold a book. She spent years as a dedicated nurse, providing care and comfort to those in need, before embarking on her writing journey. However, her true calling beckoned, and she left the medical field to follow her dream of becoming an author.

Nestled in the heart of Mississippi, Stella weaves captivating stories that are brimming with love, adventure, and enchantment. At home, she is surrounded by her loving husband and their three spirited felines, who never fail to provide inspiration and entertainment. When she's not crafting characters and worlds, she loves to embark on international travels, immerse herself in different cultures and landscapes, and satisfy her insatiable curiosity for life's endless tales.

Amazon Author Page: 

Space Cats: Making Enemies by Craig A. Price and Shayne Price

Space Cats: Making Enemies
Space Cats Series 
Book One
Craig A. Price and Shayne Price

Genre: Sci-Fi, Middle Grade, YA
Publisher: Claymore Publishing
Date of Publication: 07/16/2024

ISBN: 9781946968111 
ISBN: 9781946968128 
Number of pages: 162
Word Count: 27,223

Cover Artist: Shayne Price with Craig’s typography.

Tagline: Cats are out to explore the galaxy… dogs are ready to protect it.

Book Description:

In the vast expanse of the galaxy, feline explorers from the Cat Exploration Corporation, led by the ambitious Blake, yearn to make their mark and unveil the secrets of uncharted space. All Blake desires is to honor his father's legacy and contribute to the endless curiosity of catkind. Meanwhile, Shadow, a loyal canine under the banner of the Tofferis Empire, is determined to pass his trials and stand as a stalwart guardian, protecting the very galaxy the cats seek to explore.

At the forefront of the Mineral Mining Corporation, Jade, a charismatic catsplorer, spearheads daring expeditions into uncharted territories. His mission: to unearth valuable minerals crucial for advancing feline exploration. Little do they know that their individual aspirations will intertwine in an unexpected political showdown, where cats and dogs are at the center of a cosmic power struggle.

As Blake, Shadow, and Jade navigate the complexities of interstellar politics, allegiances are tested, and the line between friend and foe blurs against the backdrop of unexplored galaxies. In "Space Cats: Making Enemies," the first installment of the series, these unsuspecting heroes find themselves entangled in a captivating space opera with a feline twist. Will they emerge victorious, or will the clash of paws and claws reshape the destiny of the cosmos? Embark on a thrilling journey that combines cosmic curiosity, canine loyalty, and the indomitable spirit of feline explorers. 

If you're a fan of space adventures where the stakes are as high as the humor is charming, "Space Cats: Making Enemies" awaits your cosmic companionship.

Claymore Publishing      Books2Read

Book Trailer:   


"I have a bad feeling about this," Ryan muttered.

"Don't be ridiculous," Jade replied, leading the way toward the temple. "We came here for the minerals, and we're going to find them."

As they approached the temple, they could see that it was ancient, with large stone columns and carvings covering the walls. They made their way inside, and the mineral finder began to beep rapidly.

"There it is," Jade said, pointing to a door at the end of the chamber. "That's where the scanner is leading us."

They cautiously approached the door, which was adorned with strange symbols and carvings. Jade hesitated for a moment, but then pushed the door open.

When the door creaked open, they saw a blinding light emanating from inside the chamber. They shielded their eyes and cautiously stepped inside, drawn toward the powerful energy source.
Jade and his team crept through the temple. The air grew colder, and they felt a sense of unease.

The mineral finder beeped louder as they approached the large chamber door. Ryan, the team's technician, examined the door and found that it was heavily secured.

They noticed strange markings etched on the walls. The markings resembled scratches, as if claws or sharp objects made them. Upon closer inspection, Jade realized the markings were actually a form of language, but one that he had never seen before.

Ryan, who had some expertise in ancient languages, inspected the markings. "This isn't any language that I recognize," he said, furrowing his brow in concentration. "It looks like some kind of primitive tool made it, like a claw or a rock."

Jasper, who had been scanning the temple with his handheld device, interrupted. "Guys, I'm getting some strange readings here," he said, pointing to his device. "It looks like there's some kind of energy emanating from the walls themselves."

Jade walked over to Jasper. "That's strange." He looked at the device. "There's definitely something here, but I can't quite make out what it is."

"It seems to radiate from behind this door." Jade touched a door at the end of the hallway with strange markings.

Jasper, the team's muscle, stepped forward and used his strength to force the door open. Inside the chamber, they found a glowing orb emitting a powerful energy. Jade approached the orb and scrutinized it, trying to identify its properties.

As he did so, the orb suddenly flared up with a blinding light, knocking the team off their feet.

When they regained their senses, they found the orb had disappeared and the chamber was now empty.

Jade, Ryan, and Jasper looked at each other, stunned by what had just happened. They realized they had stumbled upon something beyond their understanding and knew that they needed to report their findings to their superiors. Before they could head back to their shuttle, the darkness faded once again, and the center of the room gleamed with a small object. A crystal. It flickered slightly.

About the Authors:

Craig A. Price Jr. is a USA Today bestselling author of Claymore of Calthoria Trilogy, Dragon's Call Trilogy, Dragonia Empire Series, Space Gh0st Adventures Series, and several other titles available in alternate realities. He loves to read, write, cast spells, and spend time with his beautiful wife and three children. He dreams to one day become a full-time wizard, but until then, he'll settle for being an author. With more than a dozen novels under his belt now, it's only a matter of time before he settles for world domination, but until then, you can follow his author journey as he takes over one reader's soul at a time.

Craig lives on the Alabama Gulf Coast, among the ravenous mosquitos, humidity, and deadly predators. If you spot him in the wild, he can be dangerous, but will often be tamed by a Mountain Dew and Reese's.

Shayne Price is the son of Craig A. Price, and hopes to one day become a Geologist. He likes to play sports and video games. He was behind all the plot in this book. He is a sophomore in high school and attends classes at the University of Alabama.