Cronk Cemetery Flint Township

I drive by this little cemetery all the time and always think to myself "I need to stop in one day and take photos."

Finally the time and weather aligned and I was able to go to Cronk to take photos on a beautiful crisp Autumn day.

The Cronk Cemetery was established in the 1800s, originally as a family plot. It is now maintained by the Charter Township of Flint.

It is located on Beecher Road between Elms and Linden Roads.

I keep hoping that my photos will show more ghostly images like the one from Sunset Hills but so far nothing remotely ghostly has appeared on any other photos I have taken.

However I did feel a strange tug on my sleeve while I was taking photos. The type of tug you feel when a small child walks up to you and tries to get your attention. 

I walked in the direction of the tug and took photos but I didn't see anything with my eyes, feel anything out of the ordinary or have anything show up in the photos from that area. So I don't know what the ghostly tug meant or what it wanted me to see.

Cronk is a peaceful little cemetery full of trees and shade.

This tree....

The leaves looked so pretty. Had to snap a pic.

This odd little snowman was on this grave. I didn't want to move it to see who the grave belonged to. I felt it was best to leave it undisturbed.

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