Join Us Every Thursday for Freaky Flint History

They say truth is often stranger than fiction. Nowhere is this more apparent than Flint's weird and often violent history.

You see Flint in the news a lot these days for the water crisis and for being one of the worst cities to live in in the US. As of June 2018, Flint MI is considered USA Today’s #2 Worst City to live in the USA (Detroit is #1).

The violence of Flint is nothing new. It has made negative city lists for quite some time- murder capital, crime capital, high rates of unemployment...the list goes on.

I always thought Flint's crime started when the big three auto companies started pulling out of Flint in the last two decades of the twentieth century. 

Factories closed, people were out of work, stores and other businesses closed because the auto workers were no longer purchasing from them. It was a downward spiral that affected everything. 

Soon people were leaving Flint by the thousands. What was left was a wasteland of boarded up businesses, toxic factory sites, and neighborhoods that became ghost towns. Crime, drugs, and death filled the emptiness.

But it turns out Flint's modern crimes and murders are rather mundane compared to Flint's history of murder and violence.

Join us every Thursday for the next several weeks as author, Flint resident, and hobby historian, Joe Schipani, tells us about the violent and often weird deaths that occurred in the early twentieth century in Flint, Michigan.

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