Halloween Flash Fiction with Creole Noir #FlashFiction


The tale begins with Mary, a gentle soul accused of witchcraft in Ravenswood. Tortured and burned at the stake, her screams cursed those who dared summon her as Bloody Mary. Mirrors became portals to her vengeful spirit, ensnaring those who uttered her name. Unbeknownst to the villagers, Mary's curse lived on through her daughter, Mary Mack (Mackenzie). The innocent-seeming rhyme of Miss Mary Mack carried the darkness of Bloody Mary's legacy. Passed down through generations, its true origin remained shrouded, a sinister warning of the consequences of summoning the spirits of the past.

The Cursed Blood Legacy

Halloween night descended upon Ravenswood with an eerie chill, casting shadows across the cobblestone streets. Among the villagers, whispers of Bloody Mary and Miss Mary Mack permeated the air, igniting a sense of dread in the hearts of all who heard.

In the heart of the village, a group of daring teenagers gathered in the abandoned ruins of the old churchyard. As they huddled together, their breath forming ghostly clouds in the cold night air. Jack-o'-lanterns flickered ominously, casting shadows on the crumbling walls.

"Are we really going to do this?" whispered Sarah.

"We have to," replied Jake, "we can't let those legends scare us. We need to see if they're real."

With nervous laughter and trembling hands, they formed a circle around a cracked mirror they had found among the ruins. Their faces were pale with fear as they gazed into the dim reflection, the glass fogged with an icy mist.

"Okay, here goes nothing," said Alex. "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary."

As the final chant echoed through the abandoned churchyard, a chill swept through the air. The mirror began to shimmer with an otherworldly light, and the temperature plummeted, enveloping them in a freezing embrace.

Suddenly, the mirror shattered with a deafening crack, and a figure emerged from the pieces, its form twisted and contorted with rage. It was Bloody Mary, her vengeful spirit unleashed upon the unsuspecting teenagers.

With a blood-curdling scream, Bloody Mary lunged from the mirror, her bloody hands reaching out to grasp her victims. Terror-stricken, the teenagers scattered in all directions, their panicked cries echoing through the desolate churchyard.

As they ran, Sarah felt a chill run down her arm. She could hear the haunting melody of Miss Mary Mack drifting through the night, its hypnotic notes weaving a sinister spell over the unsuspecting townsfolk.

"We have to get out of here!" shouted Jake, his voice filled with panic.

But before they could escape, they found themselves surrounded by a swirling mist, trapping them in a nightmare realm where reality and nightmare became one.

Desperate to break free from the cursed legacy that gripped their village, the teenagers searched for a way to banish the spirits that haunted them. Armed with forbidden knowledge from the book of Dark Ryhmes, they confronted the dark entities that lurked in the shadows, their hearts pounding with fear.

With a final incantation, the curse of Bloody Mary and Miss Mary Mack was broken, their vengeful spirits banished from Ravenswood forever.
Or so they thought.

Little did they know, as the last words echoed into the night, a lingering shadow remained, a whisper of malevolence that seeped into the very fabric of the village. The teenagers, haunted by the horrors they had witnessed, found themselves forever changed. Nightmares plagued their sleep, and eerie whispers followed them wherever they went. Though the physical manifestations had vanished, the psychological scars remained, ensuring that they were lost to the darkness forever.

The Heart of Chenoa
The Black Dove Legacy 
Book One
Creole Noir 

Genre: Magical Realism, YA, Coming of Age
Date of Publication: June 2, 2023
ISBN:  979-8396415935
Number of pages: 275 pages
Word Count:  44,953
Cover Artist: Creole Noir 

Tagline: Everyone knew she was the belle of the ball, and it was hard to imagine anyone ever taking her crown away from her.

Book Description:

The Heart of Chenoa is a heartwarming tale about a young woman's courage to leave her abusive boyfriend and start a new life in a new town. Along the way, she finds a group of misfit friends who become like family to her, including the inseparable siblings Brooke and Jerald, and the popular but conflicted JC, who harbors a secret love for Jerald. As they navigate high school drama and personal trauma, they come together to seek revenge against a conniving classmate, and ultimately learn to embrace their unique gifts and find strength in their bond.

The story explores themes of love, friendship, betrayal, and redemption as the characters navigate their way through the ups and downs of life. Brooke's premonitions and Lucille's powers add a touch of magic to the story, while Jerald learns to control his trauma-induced alter ego. Ultimately, they discover that they have grown and evolved in unexpected ways and that their bond is stronger than anything life can throw at them.


Amidst the sprawling fields of Chenoa, a small town nestled in the heart of the Texas, a tale of resilience and friendship unfolds. At its core lies the story of a young woman named Indigo, whose journey from darkness to light weaves a tapestry of courage, love, and the transformative power of friendship.

Indigo had known no other reality than the one she shared with her abusive boyfriend, Troy. The shackles of fear bound her tightly, choking the life out of her dreams. But one fateful night, fueled by a flicker of courage ignited deep within her heart, she made the decision to break free.

With nothing but a few belongings and a trembling resolve, Indigo set out on a journey to start anew in a town where nobody knew her name. Chenoa welcomed her with open arms, offering sanctuary from the storm that had raged within her for far too long.

As Indigo tentatively navigated the unfamiliar school of her new home, she stumbled upon a group of misfits whose warmth and acceptance enveloped her like a comforting embrace. Among them were Brooke and Jerald, inseparable siblings whose laughter echoed through the halls of Chenoa High School, and JC, whose inner turmoil simmered beneath his charming exterior.

Together, they formed an unlikely family, bound not by blood but by the unbreakable ties of friendship and shared experiences. Each member of their motley crew bore scars of their own, but together, they found solace in the company of kindred spirits.

As high school dramas unfolded and personal traumas resurfaced, Indigo and her newfound companions stood united against the tide of adversity. They rallied together to seek justice against a conniving classmate, their bonds growing stronger with each shared victory.

But beneath the surface of their idyllic friendship lay secrets waiting to be unearthed. JC harbored a love for Jerald that dared not speak its name, while Brooke's premonitions whispered of futures yet to unfold. And in the shadows, Jerald battled with the demons of his past, struggling to tame the beast within.

Yet through it all, they clung to each other, their hearts intertwined in a tapestry of love and loyalty. As they confronted their deepest fears and embraced their unique gifts, they discovered that strength lies not in solitude but in the unbreakable bonds of friendship.

In The Heart of Chenoa, amidst the Spanish moss trees and the whispering winds, Indigo and her friends learned that the greatest battles are fought not with fists but with hearts open wide. And as they embraced the magic woven into the fabric of their lives, they found redemption in the unlikeliest of places: within themselves, and within the hearts of those they held dear.

About the Author:

Creole Noir is an author who has a passion for writing stories that not only bring suspense, but also delve into deeper themes of social justice and class disparities. His debut novel Cry of the Black Dove follows London and her friends as they embark on a mission to get revenge after being wronged by those in power. Creole hopes his work will help readers think about these issues and the marginalization that often follows. Outside of writing, he enjoys hosting a podcast with Kinky Boots. Creole currently lives in Tyler, Texas where he obtained an Associates degree in General Studies from Tyler Junior College before engaging in healthcare labor such as caregiving and teaching life skills. He now writes full-time.

Keep in touch with Creole Noir's work by following him on Instagram or checking out his podcast. He loves hearing from readers about their favorite stories and characters. With Creole Noir’s vivid imagination and captivating voice, each of his novels will keep you hooked until the very end.

Keep in touch with Creole Noir via the web:

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